The Got it motors Inspection
Everybody hates long lists. But you’re going to love the Got it motors Inspection list because we make sure every car on Got it motors passes all 200 points on the list before we offer it to you. Any car can get certified. It takes perfection to be Got it motors Certified.
Checking the exterior
- Lights
- Headlights
- Brake Lights
- Hazard Flashers
- Backup Lights
- Door Skins
- Rocker Sills
- Body Alignment
- Front Fenders
- Body Panels
- Condition of Paint
- Tail Lights
- Rear Bumper
- Pillars
- No Signs of Collision Damage
Checking the Interior
- Coolant Hoses
- No Signs of Body Dust
- Panels Alignment
- Hinges
- Hinges
- Engine Odors
- Door Panels
- Carpet / Floor Mats
- Cup Holders
- Seats and Seat Belts
- Headliner and Pillars
- Belts / Tensioners / Pulleys
- P/S Fluid Level and Condition
- Carrying Rails and Firewall
- Trunk Interior
- Trunk Tools
- Trunk Floor Plan
- Factory Painted Bolts and Body
Checking the Underbody
- Undercarriage
- Transfercase
- Axles
- Shocks
- Control Arms
- Tie Rods
- Exhaust System
- Suspension Components
- Transmission